Mind Power Phrase Made From Metallic Letterpress Type On Wooden Tray

Changing Your Mindset Changes Your Life

Most of us don’t realize how powerful our minds are in creating the lives we want. We let our heads get filled with self-doubt and question our own abilities, and then we don’t realize just what we are capable of doing. In order to change our lives, we have to look inside, not out.

12 ways you can shift your thinking to live a fuller, happier, more successful life:

1. Look at challenging situations from the standpoint of how can I fix or resolve this and then set a plan in motion. Many of us immediately wonder if the situation can be fixed, then start going down the wrong path. Thinking in fear mode instead of solution mode.
2. Choose your thoughts wisely. Your mind can only have one thought at a time. So, if you have a negative thought, turn it into a positive thought. Turning your negative thoughts into positive thoughts will actually make you look more relaxed, glowing and happier! (An added benefit)
3. Some people dredge up negative memories from the past and rehash them over and over. The same emotions will come up for them whether it is anger, sadness or guilt, as if it is happening all over again. They use these past experiences to justify their feelings of guilt, sadness or anger. If you have these feelings that come back to you from the past, then remember that these feelings have no impact on the situation and they do you no good. Change your thoughts.
4. Remember that other people’s perceptions will be different from your perceptions. There is nothing you can do about that. You are not here to please others. So, don’t live in fear about what other people think.
5. Don’t let others dictate your emotions. If someone at work uses a snappy or flippant tone with you, just brush it off. Not everything is about you, and they may just be having a bad day. Put it out of your mind and think about something pleasant.
6. On the other hand if someone is continually tearing you down or criticizing you (especially in front of others), be courageous. Don’t get upset, because again, it’s about them. Tell them that you will no longer put up with their criticism, but if they have something constructive to tell you, then make an appointment. Then stare them down—don’t look away. Don’t let your fear take over.
7. Create your vision board. Looking at your vision board and focusing your thoughts on your goals and dreams, changes your life for the better. You will really understand the power of your mind once you realize that thoughts really do become things. Caveat: You still have to take action.
8. Confront your fears and take control. When you back away from your fears, they get bigger. When you confront them, your fears get smaller and your self-confidence soars.
9. Get rid of your negative self-talk. Stop the repetitive conversations you have with yourself that confirm you aren’t smart enough, thin enough, rich enough to have or do something you want. Instead whenever you hear those conversations beginning, turn them around and tell yourself why you do deserve to have or do whatever it is that you want.
10. We all have a crisis from time to time that we have to face. When those times come, relax your mind and let yourself be calm, clear and focused so that you can be effective in thinking about next the steps to take.
11. Stop making excuses for your actions that have contributed to a bad situation. Think about how you are responsible for what went wrong. This type of thinking gives you more control over your life. When you feel like you have more control, you are

mind power phrase made from metallic letterpress type on wooden tray

happier and feel more confident. So, own up!
12. If you find yourself thinking “if only…” then stop. Chances are you are still being held back by something that happened in the past. You have to let it go.
